Wednesday, February 25, 2009

brokeback mountain

Out of all the movies we've watched in class I would say that Brokeback Mountain was the most loyal adaptation. The short story is around twenty pages but the movie uses it almost verbatim. There is more background and chances to learn about Jack Twist. Giving his character a stronger back story while still keeping somewhat of an emphasis on Ennis Del Marr. I thought the movie was visually stunning, the images of Montana gave it a feel of a very beautiful and very isolated way of living. The story playing out in this setting of perfect wilderness puts more emphasis on how the relationship played out. Ennis alone seems to be in a lot of gray toned scenes, namely on his ranch homes, living above the town laundromat and visiting Jack's parents. When Jack was in scenes their was still a certain amount of color in the backgrounds but they all had a sense of discomfort, particularly if you're Jack Twist; a sub par rodeo cowboy who married into money and became a salesman who seemed to want control of his own life more than anything. Ennis believed he was going to marry Alma, Jack believed he'd be a cowboy. When neither could make their lives what they wanted they could however go get away together and be themselves, and that's when the scenery of the movie becomes most colorful and natural. I suppose that common connection is what drove their relationship.
I was hesitant to ever see this movie when it came out and waited a long time to see it because I cared less for the hype surrounding it then the actual controversial subject matter. I had no interest in giving an opinion on how controversial the main characters are. In all honesty I thought it hypocritical to praise heterosexual actors Jake Gylenthal and Heath Ledger for playing gay characters when so many homosexual actors are expected to play heterosexual roles(Rudolph Valentino, Rock Hudson, Neal-Patrick Harris.) The two actors portrayed themselves as being professionals who ignored the controversy. Is there any connection between the actors follow up roles playing a Marine(Jarhead) and Casanova, the great lover of women. The lack of public outcry is what I enjoyed about the short story. the story felt more like thee story of one man. The visual aspects and use of setting are what I enjoyed about the movie. Giving a semblance of equal back story makes it more of a love story.

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